Mocking and Testing Firestore Operations in Flutter Unit Tests | Part 2 (Transactions and Batched Writes)

Mocking and Testing Firestore Operations in Flutter Unit Tests | Part 2 (Transactions and Batched Writes)


Firestore offers the ability to perform atomic operations — "series of database operations such that either all occurs, or nothing occurs") — in form of Transactions and Batched Writes.

Transactions: a transaction is a set of read and write operations on one or more documents.

Batched Writes: a batched write is a set of write operations on one or more documents.

Source: Firebase Documentation for Transactions and Batched Writes

This article examines how to write unit tests for Firestore Transactions and Batched Writes in Flutter.

We continue from the last article: Mocking and Testing Firestore Operations in Flutter Unit Tests | Part 1 (Documents and Collections) where we looked at how to implement unit tests for Firestore operations involving Documents and Collections.

The article was created using Flutter Channel stable, 2.8.1.


The prerequisites are the same as in the previous article.

Add the following packages to your pubspec.yaml file and run flutter pub get.

  cloud_firestore: ^3.1.4
  fake_cloud_firestore: ^1.2.0


This adds cloud_firestore which is the Cloud Firestore package, fake_cloud_firestore which is the mock Firestore package and test which is the package used for unit tests.

Problem Statement

We extend our FirestoreService class from the previous article — which performed read and write operations to Firestore using Documents and Collections — to perform read and write operations to Firestore using Transactions and Batched Writes and we want to write a set of unit tests for this class.

The class is shown below (with the Document and Collection part removed for readability):

import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart';

class FirestoreService {
  const FirestoreService({required this.firestore});

  final FirebaseFirestore firestore;

  // Document and Collection operations removed for readability

  Future<void> runTransaction({
    required Map<String, dynamic> dataToUpdate,
    required Map<String, dynamic> dataToSet,
    required String collectionPath,
    required String documentPathToUpdate,
    required String documentPathToSetTo,
    required String documentPathToDelete,
  }) async {
    return firestore.runTransaction<void>((transaction) async {
      final DocumentReference documentReferenceToUpdate =
      final DocumentReference documentReferenceToSetTo =
      final DocumentReference documentReferenceToDelete =

      final DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshotForUpdate =
          await transaction.get(documentReferenceToUpdate);

      final Map<String, dynamic> dataInDocumentPathToUpdate =
 as Map<String, dynamic>;

      final Map<String, dynamic> updatedData = {

      transaction.update(documentReferenceToUpdate, updatedData);

      transaction.set(documentReferenceToSetTo, dataToSet);


  Future<void> runBatchedWrite({
    required Map<String, dynamic> dataToSet,
    required Map<String, dynamic> dataToUpdate,
    required String collectionPath,
    required String documentPathToSetTo,
    required String documentPathToUpdate,
    required String documentPathToDelete,
  }) async {
    final WriteBatch writeBatch = firestore.batch();

    final CollectionReference collectionReference =

    final DocumentReference documentReferenceToSetTo =
    final DocumentReference documentReferenceToUpdate =
    final DocumentReference documentReferenceToDelete =

    writeBatch.set(documentReferenceToSetTo, dataToSet);

    writeBatch.update(documentReferenceToUpdate, dataToUpdate);


    await writeBatch.commit();

Understanding The Methods

This section helps understand the runTransaction and the runBatchedWrite methods with regards to what is expected for unit testing them.


 Future<void> runTransaction({
    required Map<String, dynamic> dataToUpdate,
    required Map<String, dynamic> dataToSet,
    required String collectionPath,
    required String documentPathToUpdate,
    required String documentPathToSetTo,
    required String documentPathToDelete,
  }) async {
    return firestore.runTransaction<void>((transaction) async {
      final DocumentReference documentReferenceToUpdate =
      final DocumentReference documentReferenceToSetTo =
      final DocumentReference documentReferenceToDelete =

      final DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshotForUpdate =
          await transaction.get(documentReferenceToUpdate);

      final Map<String, dynamic> dataInDocumentPathToUpdate =
 as Map<String, dynamic>;

      final Map<String, dynamic> updatedData = {

      transaction.update(documentReferenceToUpdate, updatedData);

      transaction.set(documentReferenceToSetTo, dataToSet);


The runTransaction method demonstrates how to do transactions in Firestore. Since transactions allow you to perform read operations and writes operations, the runTransaction method has both read and write operations in it.

The major operations in this method are below:

  • The transaction reads the data at documentPathToUpdate and merges it with dataToUpdate and updates the document there.
  • The transaction sets dataToSet to the document at the documentPathToSetTo.
  • The transaction deletes the document at documentPathToDelete.


  Future<void> runBatchedWrite({
    required Map<String, dynamic> dataToSet,
    required Map<String, dynamic> dataToUpdate,
    required String collectionPath,
    required String documentPathToSetTo,
    required String documentPathToUpdate,
    required String documentPathToDelete,
  }) async {
    final WriteBatch writeBatch = firestore.batch();

    final CollectionReference collectionReference =

    final DocumentReference documentReferenceToSetTo =
    final DocumentReference documentReferenceToUpdate =
    final DocumentReference documentReferenceToDelete =

    writeBatch.set(documentReferenceToSetTo, dataToSet);

    writeBatch.update(documentReferenceToUpdate, dataToUpdate);


    await writeBatch.commit();

The runBatchedWrite method demonstrates how to perform batched writes in Firestore. Since batched writes allow you to perform only write operations, the runBatchedWrite method contains only write operations.

The major operations in this method are below:

  • The batched write updates the document at documentPathToUpdate with dataToUpdate.
  • The batched write sets dataToSet to the document at the documentPathToSetTo.
  • The batched write deletes the document at documentPathToDelete.

Testing Approach

Just as it was outlined in the previous article, we do the following to test the methods:

  • Construction Injection:

    The FakeFirebaseFirestore object is passed into the FirestoreService instance to mock the FirebaseFirestore object.

  • Mocking Strategy & Database State Set Up:

    Data is added to specific document/collection paths in the FakeFirebaseFirestore object before carrying out the operation in the FirestoreService class.

    Data is then retrieved from the FakeFirebaseFirestore object at specific paths to compare them with the expected values by asserting that they are the same.

The two methods above, individually, contain different read and/or write operations and those are the operations that will be tested.

The tests will be written in the same test file from the previous article

Testing the Transactions and Batched Writes class

Test For Running A Transaction

runTransaction's Test

The runTransaction method can be tested by:

  • Injecting the mock Firestore object, fakeFirebaseFirestore, to the service.
  • Prepopulating the document at documentPathToUpdate via the fakeFirebaseFirestore object with the data object.
  • Prepopulating the document at documentPathToDelete via the fakeFirebaseFirestore object with the data object.
  • Running the runTransaction method and passing dataToUpdateWith and dataToSet which will be used by the method to write to documentPathToUpdate and documentPathToSetTo.
  • Retrieving the actual data contained in the documentPathToUpdate, documentPathToSetTo and documentPathToDelete document paths.
  • Asserting that the data in documentPathToUpdate is equal to the expected updated data, expectedUpdatedData i.e dataToUpdateWith merged with data.
  • Asserting that the data in documentPathToSetTo is equal to the expected set data i.e dataToSet.
  • Asserting that the data in documentPathToDelete is null.

This is shown below:

 test('runTransaction runs the correct transaction operation', () async {
  final FirestoreService firestoreService =
      FirestoreService(firestore: fakeFirebaseFirestore!);

  const String collectionPath = 'collectionPath';
  const String documentPathToUpdate = 'documentPathToUpdate';
  const String documentPathToSetTo = 'documentPathToSetTo';
  const String documentPathToDelete = 'documentPathToDelete';

  final CollectionReference collectionReference =

  final DocumentReference documentReferenceToUpdate =
  final DocumentReference documentReferenceToSetTo =
  final DocumentReference documentReferenceToDelete =


  const Map<String, dynamic> dataToUpdateWith = {'updated_data': '43'};
  const Map<String, dynamic> dataToSet = {'data': 44};

  const Map<String, dynamic> expectedUpdatedData = {,

  await firestoreService.runTransaction(
      dataToUpdate: dataToUpdateWith,
      dataToSet: dataToSet,
      collectionPath: collectionPath,
      documentPathToUpdate: documentPathToUpdate,
      documentPathToSetTo: documentPathToSetTo,
      documentPathToDelete: documentPathToDelete);

  final DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshotForUpdate =
      await documentReferenceToUpdate.get();
  final DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshotForSet =
      await documentReferenceToSetTo.get();
  final DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshotForDelete =
      await documentReferenceToDelete.get();

  final actualDataFromUpdate =;
  final actualDataFromSet =;
  final actualDataFromDelete =;

  expect(actualDataFromUpdate, expectedUpdatedData);
  expect(actualDataFromSet, dataToSet);
  expect(actualDataFromDelete, null);

Test For Running A Batched Write

runBatchedWrite's Test

The runBatchedWrite method can be tested by:

  • Injecting the mock Firestore object, fakeFirebaseFirestore, to the service.
  • Prepopulating the document at documentPathToUpdate via the fakeFirebaseFirestore object with the data object.
  • Prepopulating the document at documentPathToDelete via the fakeFirebaseFirestore object with the data object.
  • Running the runBatchedWrite method and passing dataToUpdateWith and dataToSet which will be used by the method to write to documentPathToUpdate and documentPathToSetTo.
  • Retrieving the actual data contained in the documentPathToUpdate, documentPathToSetTo and documentPathToDelete document paths.
  • Asserting that the data in documentPathToUpdate is equal to the expected updated data, expectedUpdatedData i.e dataToUpdateWith merged with data.
  • Asserting that the data in documentPathToSetTo is equal to the expected set data i.e dataToSet.
  • Asserting that the data in documentPathToDelete is null.

This is shown below:

 test('runBatchedWrite runs the correct batched write operation',
    () async {
  final FirestoreService firestoreService =
      FirestoreService(firestore: fakeFirebaseFirestore!);
  const String collectionPath = 'collectionPath';
  const String documentPathToUpdate = 'documentPathToUpdate';
  const String documentPathToSetTo = 'documentPathToSetTo';
  const String documentPathToDelete = 'documentPathToDelete';

  final CollectionReference collectionReference =

  final DocumentReference documentReferenceToUpdate =
  final DocumentReference documentReferenceToSetTo =
  final DocumentReference documentReferenceToDelete =


  const Map<String, dynamic> dataToUpdateWith = {'updated_data': '43'};
  const Map<String, dynamic> dataToSet = {'data': 44};

  const Map<String, dynamic> expectedUpdatedData = {,

  await firestoreService.runBatchedWrite(
      dataToUpdate: dataToUpdateWith,
      dataToSet: dataToSet,
      collectionPath: collectionPath,
      documentPathToUpdate: documentPathToUpdate,
      documentPathToSetTo: documentPathToSetTo,
      documentPathToDelete: documentPathToDelete);

  final DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshotForUpdate =
      await documentReferenceToUpdate.get();
  final DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshotForSet =
      await documentReferenceToSetTo.get();
  final DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshotForDelete =
      await documentReferenceToDelete.get();

  final actualDataFromUpdate =;
  final actualDataFromSet =;
  final actualDataFromDelete =;

  expect(actualDataFromUpdate, expectedUpdatedData);
  expect(actualDataFromSet, dataToSet);
  expect(actualDataFromDelete, null);

Complete Test File

The content of the entire test file is shown below:

import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart';
import 'package:fake_cloud_firestore/fake_cloud_firestore.dart';
import 'package:firestore_unit_test_flutter/firestore_service.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';

void main() {
  group('FirestoreService', () {
    FakeFirebaseFirestore? fakeFirebaseFirestore;
    const Map<String, dynamic> data = {'data': '42'};

    setUp(() {
      fakeFirebaseFirestore = FakeFirebaseFirestore();

    // Document operations and Collection operations tests removed for readability

    group('Transaction Operation', () {
      test('runTransaction runs the correct transaction operation', () async {
        final FirestoreService firestoreService =
            FirestoreService(firestore: fakeFirebaseFirestore!);

        const String collectionPath = 'collectionPath';
        const String documentPathToUpdate = 'documentPathToUpdate';
        const String documentPathToSetTo = 'documentPathToSetTo';
        const String documentPathToDelete = 'documentPathToDelete';

        final CollectionReference collectionReference =

        final DocumentReference documentReferenceToUpdate =
        final DocumentReference documentReferenceToSetTo =
        final DocumentReference documentReferenceToDelete =


        const Map<String, dynamic> dataToUpdateWith = {'updated_data': '43'};
        const Map<String, dynamic> dataToSet = {'data': 44};

        const Map<String, dynamic> expectedUpdatedData = {

        await firestoreService.runTransaction(
            dataToUpdate: dataToUpdateWith,
            dataToSet: dataToSet,
            collectionPath: collectionPath,
            documentPathToUpdate: documentPathToUpdate,
            documentPathToSetTo: documentPathToSetTo,
            documentPathToDelete: documentPathToDelete);

        final DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshotForUpdate =
            await documentReferenceToUpdate.get();
        final DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshotForSet =
            await documentReferenceToSetTo.get();
        final DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshotForDelete =
            await documentReferenceToDelete.get();

        final actualDataFromUpdate =;
        final actualDataFromSet =;
        final actualDataFromDelete =;

        expect(actualDataFromUpdate, expectedUpdatedData);
        expect(actualDataFromSet, dataToSet);
        expect(actualDataFromDelete, null);

    group('Batched Write Operation', () {
      test('runBatchedWrite runs the correct batched write operation',
          () async {
        final FirestoreService firestoreService =
            FirestoreService(firestore: fakeFirebaseFirestore!);
        const String collectionPath = 'collectionPath';
        const String documentPathToUpdate = 'documentPathToUpdate';
        const String documentPathToSetTo = 'documentPathToSetTo';
        const String documentPathToDelete = 'documentPathToDelete';

        final CollectionReference collectionReference =

        final DocumentReference documentReferenceToUpdate =
        final DocumentReference documentReferenceToSetTo =
        final DocumentReference documentReferenceToDelete =


        const Map<String, dynamic> dataToUpdateWith = {'updated_data': '43'};
        const Map<String, dynamic> dataToSet = {'data': 44};

        const Map<String, dynamic> expectedUpdatedData = {

        await firestoreService.runBatchedWrite(
            dataToUpdate: dataToUpdateWith,
            dataToSet: dataToSet,
            collectionPath: collectionPath,
            documentPathToUpdate: documentPathToUpdate,
            documentPathToSetTo: documentPathToSetTo,
            documentPathToDelete: documentPathToDelete);

        final DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshotForUpdate =
            await documentReferenceToUpdate.get();
        final DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshotForSet =
            await documentReferenceToSetTo.get();
        final DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshotForDelete =
            await documentReferenceToDelete.get();

        final actualDataFromUpdate =;
        final actualDataFromSet =;
        final actualDataFromDelete =;

        expect(actualDataFromUpdate, expectedUpdatedData);
        expect(actualDataFromSet, dataToSet);
        expect(actualDataFromDelete, null);

// MapListContains Matcher code removed for readability


This article demonstrates how to write unit tests for Firebase Firestore's atomic operations, that is, Transactions and Batched Writes.

The complete code can be found on GitHub.